2021 Update

I just want to update everyone on what is going on in my life here in Chicago!

I have started an online business, or should I say a side hustle, and that is going very well. It looks like it is going to take some time to really get off the ground and make enough money to live on, but it is a start.

Things are starting to return to normal (what is normal anymore, right?) here in Chicago. People are returning to work and traffic is crazy again. If there is one thing that I miss from the beginning of the pandemic, it is the lack of traffic.Band playing on Chicago street

Now that people are getting vaccinated, there are less and less of them wearing masks, but some still do and I respect that.

The biggest news that I have to share is that I have a new boyfriend! His name is Jim and he lives about 45 minutes west of the city. He is kind of a country boy, drives a pickup truck and loves to deer hunt and go camping.

I really like him a lot and so I am doing a lot of research online trying to learn about deer hunting for beginners. I’m not sure that I could actually do the hunting, but I at least want to be able to understand and talk to him about it.

I’m thrilled to finally have a relationship and not having to deal with the ghosting when expecting a date to show up.

My little dog Precious is doing great. She loves the fact that I work from home and she gets separation anxiety whenever I leave her for any amount of time. I try to take her whenever I can.precious

We are actually starting to eat out again and visiting all of our favorite spots, if they are still open. The job market is really short staffed here and some places can get enough help to stay open. I will even take Precious to the ones that have outside dining. She is always a big hit.

In addition to precious, we have added a fish tank to our apartment and I am thrilled that it adds a wonderful ambiance and is very easy to take care of.

That is about it from here. I will try and update the blog as things change.

Talk to you soon.

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